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Participated in the zoom reading for the 26th Annual Poetry Ink Anthology, part of Moonstone Poetry from Philadelphia.  I read “Reflections on the Gap”, which is published in the anthology

Received the December 2022 issue of Fixed and Free Quarterly, which includes not only my poem “nine thirty” but also a glowing review of The Cowichan Series by Billy Brown

Recorded a feature set for Blaine Greenwood’s CKXU radio program, Not Your Mother’s Poetry


Received femmes de parole, a Quebec publication by Nancy R. Lange.  Issue No. 3 contained a review of my poetry by Miranda Krogstad, my review of Lorna Crozier’s poetry, and two of my poems, “This Gossamer World” and “Votive Red” in their original version and translated into French

Attended and participated in Carla Scarano d’Antonio’s launch of her newest collection, Workwear.  I read my poem “Grief”

Participated in the zoom reading for the Love in its Original Language Anthology for the Moonstone Poetry from Philadelphia.  I read “Abracietto”, which is published in the anthology

My poem “I Dare to Dream” was published in Zimbabwe’s Sailor’s Review.  This is the 15th country where my poetry has found a home.  The poem was inspired partly by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s iconic speech, and in part by February, month of love

Participated in the online Virtual Global Open Mic reading out of India.  Here is a link to the recording of that reading:  


My poem “the skating party” with accompanying visual went on display at an open-air exhibit in Calgary’s Rotary Park for The Edge of Winter.  This a joint project organized by the Alexandra Writers’ Center Society, Calgary Arts, and the Crescent Heights Community.  There was an ArtWalk and Poet Reading for this event on March 18

Invited to be a judge for the youth event, recitation of poetry in French for the Calgary finals, part of Les Voix de la Poésie

Cover reveal ... the haiku anthology Poetry from the Edge, from last year's haiku conference put on by Haiku Down Under, in Australia and New Zealand, will be mailed out soon!  I presented a session on Concertina Haiku-Photo pairings, and submitted a poem to this anthology

Invited to read a set of poetry for the launch of Bob Canuel’s latest collection of poetry, Rifflets

The latest issue of the Fixed and Free Quarterly Arrived, and I am thrilled to see my poems inside this beautiful cover, taking space with so much  phenomenal poetry!  My pieces are Bereft and Unity.

Jim Jackson reposted our Spring Equinox collaboration, my poetry, his music:  A Litany of Blooms

Invited to be a feature poet for the March edition of Fixed and Free online poetry; three of my poems will be included in the upcoming Anthology.  I enjoyed going through diverse anthologies and collections, choosing the pieces to share.  Bottomless gratitude to Billy Brown and Fixed and Free for the opportunities and the warm embrace.

Participated in the online launch with my reading of Sometimes a Poem (the long version) as part of Moonstone Publishing's celebration of World Poetry Day (Philadelphia).  The shorter version of this poem will be published in the corresponding anthology; the longer version was submitted to and will be published by Fixed and Free Anthology (New Mexico)

Invited to participate in an online reading presented by "femmes de parole", sharing the three Ukrainian poems which I translated from French into English as well as the two piece published in their edition No 3

April ... Poetry Month!

Thrilled to be invited to participate in the resurrection of The People's Poetry Festival, hosted this year by the AWCS:  Josephine LoRe is not only one of Calgary's most prolific publishing poets and performers, but she is also a wonderful poetry instructor! 

My thanks to the fine folks at Calgary's Alexandra Writers Centre Society (AWCS) for featuring a reading of Sometimes a Poem for Poetry Month

Such am amazing experience to help out in a little way to something so grand ... This year, the National Finals for Poetry in Voice / Les Voix de la Poesie, for high school students from across the land, were held in Calgary. It was heartwarming to witness the poets of the future generation ... their enthusiasm, their spirit, their camaraderie. In my mind, they are all champions.

Contributors read from Haiku Day, an anthology put out by the Moonstone Arts Center in Philadelphia. I shared a new haibun, The Good Earth, a marriage of haiku and prose poetry

Again this year, Parkland Poetry posted a bouquet of poetry once a week in honour of National Poetry Month.  It was an honour to serve on the committee to bring these poems together, and to share my submission, Awaiting Spring, which was put to music by Jim Jackson

Routes / Roots ... the theme of Volume 5 of the Parkland Poets Reading Series Anthology, Outlying Voices. Pleased that I could serve as one of the  editors for this collection, and also that my poem Routes was included


A late-winter haiku was accepted for publication in the Haiku Canada Yearly Anthology

I submitted If I'm Not There to Moonstone Press for the Ekphrastic Anthology.  This poem was inspired by Jim Jackson's cd, The Highway Traveller.

Cultivating Voices   WorldwideLivePoetry+

Today's theme was Inspiration, and as always, it is a blessing to be part of this group that was formed during the dark days of pandemic.  My reading starts at 48 minutes

One of my poems was accepted for publication in S/He Speaks, Voices of Women and TransFolx.

Launch of khcollins Fermented Musings, published by Prairie Soul Press. This was the first time I have been asked to pre-read a collection and provide a review for the back cover!


Cultivating Voices    ​WorldwideLivePoetry+ 

Always so gratifying to be part of these live online readings... today's reading's focus was Rhythm and Rhyme, and my poems commence at 58 minutes.  

Participated in a live reading of works published by Jim Jackson.  I read from my collection The Cowichan Series.

Two pieces were accepted for publication in GUSTS Contemporary Tanka, no. 37.  These were written after my father's death

Sometimes a Poem, the full version, was published in New Mexico in the Fixed and Free Quarterly journal.  I shared this poem in the monthly online reading as well


The Indie YYC published a reading of Sometimes a Poem online in their voem series


Participated in panels and readings at When Words Collide, A Festival for Writers and Readers:  Epic Poetry Readings, Cast a Spell, and Musical Poetic Art

I received confirmation that my poem "Una tazza di poesia, una tazza di tè / Garden Tea Poetry" will appear in Volume 2 of an upcoming anthology by Italian-Canadian writers, to be published by Italian publisher Les Flâneurs Edizioni / Collana Canada

Soaked in and participated in some summer poetry in the park ... C-Space Pitbull Poetry, hosted by Calgary's Poet Laureate Wakefield Brewster

Publication of the first full collection of poems I have edited.  So grateful towards Lynn Gale for her trust and the opportunity!

L'Opacité: A Collection of Poems Une collection de poésie Paperback 

by Lynn D Gale (Author), Josephine LoRe (Editor)


I listened to Jim Jackson's title track for his upcoming anthology, The Philosophy of Blue, and was hooked!  Submitted a short fiction piece, A Surfeit of Blue, and am pleased to say it will be included in the anthology, which will be launching in November.

It is an honour to share that Feed the Children has chosen my poem "Enough" in their US Public Service Announcement video:  

The PSA campaign features an original poem, Enough written by Canadian poet Josephine LoRe. The poem first appeared on the Poetry X Hunger website and was chosen by Feed the Children for this important public message. Through these poetic words recited in the Public Service Announcement and short, on-screen vignettes, viewers are invited to envision the hunger-free world that so many people have dreamed about.


The "If Words Were Enough" PSA campaign reflects on parents' hopes for their children to grow up strong and to nourish their mind, body, and spirit. Children should grow up without the burden of hunger. The PSA shares this message of hope to cultivate compassion that inspires action. It will take all of us, our voices, our commitment, and our work - to end childhood hunger.

What a joy to be finally in person at Penticton's Wine Country Writers’ Festival.  I participated in the Presenters' Reading on the Friday evening, and the highest compliments I received were from folks who said, "I don't usually like poetry, but I love your reading!"   On Saturday, I presented a workshop on "Metaphor and Universality in Writing" and offered suggestions and feedback to poets through the Blue Pencil activities.  On Sunday, we boarded the trolley for a wine tour ... absolutely an amazing, revivifying weekend.  Thanks to Jim Jackson and Faye Arcand for organizing, all the volunteers, the many, talented presenters, and all participants.  Looking forward to next year's edition!

Remembering Pablo Neruda On the 50th Anniversary of His Death:  I am so glad to be part of this anthology, and to read Hide Me In Your Arms, a poem inspired by Pablo Neruda this Sunday with the Moonstone Art Center in Philadelphia!  This poem was previously published in the Consonant Light collection.

The latest issue of Fixed and Free has arrived! As always, Billy Brown has curated an exquisite collection of poetry.  It is always an honour to have my words selected for publication and this poem, My Word for Rain, is an especially important one for me ... the first poem about my father that is not a grief poem, but a tribute.


Grateful to Kozue Uzawa at GUSTS for including my tanka in GUSTS #38

I am indebted to Dan Brady and the crew at Sacred Grounds in San Francisco, California who run one of the longest running poetry reading in the States .... Here is the video of my feature reading last week

The poetry world keeps expanding for me ... I met Sally Quon and Michele Rule in Penticton at the Wine Country Writers' Festival and they invited me to be interviewed for The Solitary Daisy, Issue 15, a beautiful initiative that includes haiku news, upcoming events, and a writing prompt 


A Philosophy of Blue is now in the world! Jim Jackson has brought together a collection of stories and his original music on the theme.

The youtube has me reading an excerpt from my piece, A Surfeit of Blue

I am pleased that my poem Tigris Tulips is to be included in Remembering Sylvia Plath published by Moonstone Press, in honour of the anniversary of her passing.


Grateful to the Edmonton Stroll of Poets for the chance to feature in their online component, Haven at Home

Honoured to be invited as one of two feature readers for the Alexandra Writers' Center Society (AWCS) Holiday party

I am thrilled that another of my poems has been translated into Farsi, the language of the Persian people, and will be shared on Radio Namaashoum 

Fresh Voices #30 ... The League of Canadian Poets has published The Burning of the Dead in their Stanza series:

Fresh Voices 30

By LCP | December 15, 2023

Welcome to the thirtieth edition of Fresh Voices, a project from and for the League’s associate members, edited by Joan Conway (Check out her personal blog!) and Blaine Marchand. The League’s associate members are talented poets who are writing and publishing poetry on their way to becoming established professional poets in the Canadian literary community. We are excited to be taking this opportunity to showcase the work of our associate members in this series!

Fresh Voices 30 features poetry by: Josephine LoRe, Anthony Purdy, Nan Williamson, Lee Ann Eckhardt Smith, donalee Moulton, Norma Kerby, Janis La Couvée, Hunyah Irfan, Angel Edwards and Marlene Grand Maître.

​Thrilled that Stephen Donohue invited me to share two of my poems on The Poetry Joint on CJSW 90.9fm in their December edition

Cultivating Voices Live Poetry:  Holiday Poetry Open House:  it is  an honour to be invited to read on the theme of peace ... thanks to Sandy Yannone, Kim Ports Parsons, Don Krieger and the huge team of poets who share their words in this series. My reading begins at 51:40

It doesn't feel real yet ... but I have been offered a publishing contract for a new collection of poetry, In My Father's House. I am working on edits and cover, and still incredulous. And incredibly grateful!

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Parkland Poets 2023 Spring Awaiting Spring.jpg
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And this, from Nepal.  I submitted Dinosaur Dreams to the Madness Anthology, and am awaiting the arrival of my copy.

© 2024 by poet Josephine Lia LoRe

All rights reserved.   Created by Josephine LoRe using

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