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Lougheed House Haiku Competition

The Lougheed House, a historical heritage home in the heart of Calgary, announced a midsummer haiku-writing initiative, and I was honoured to be invited to serve as one of three judges.

Sample Original Haiku:

a flutter of lace
unspoken secrets echo
through time

By Josephine LoRe, 2020 Contest Judge

Lougheed House Haiku Contest
Senator and Lady Lougheed, the original owners of Lougheed House, were well-known early influencers and promoters of Calgary arts and culture.

As a nod to their legacy, and together with the public reopening of our “Storied City” exhibition, (we begin to reopen Lougheed House in August) we invite Calgarians of all ages to submit their haiku poems to the contest.

Haiku is a Japanese poetic form of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five. (Less is acceptable, but definitely not more.) Haiku traditionally evoke images of the natural world.

Those with a special connection to the city of Calgary or to western Canadian culture are also welcome to submit their work. The judging process will be entirely blind.

© 2024 by poet Josephine Lia LoRe

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